Novel early & accurate
diagnostic solution for
Lyme disease.
We are Aces Diagnostics
A team of experts with over 50 years combined experience in all aspects of Lyme disease – research, clinical, diagnostics, and the patient experience.
We’ve created an accurate Lyme diagnostic test to give doctors the tool they needed to diagnose patients and initiate prompt treatment.
Our committed team

Unmet clinical need
Lyme disease is truly a global health issue. 14.5% of the world’s population show evidence of infection, and in the US, Lyme disease is the third most common bacterial infection in humans, right after Chlamydia and Gonorrhea.
The chronic illness associated with Lyme infection is a major health burden in the US and Europe, costing insurers over $100 billion annually.
Currently there is no diagnostic test available to allow doctors to accurately diagnose and treat patients with Lyme disease. The standard tests miss 7 out of 10 Lyme disease cases during the early stages of infection, and are only 50% accurate overall.
Our solution:

The first clinically accurate IVD for all stages of Lyme disease, including early stage.
LYMESEEK™ is a single test, requiring only one blood draw, that will run on laboratory analyzers that are already in most clinical labs.
LYMESEEK™ combines novel biomarkers with a propriety algorithm to enhance diagnostics capabilities across all stages of the disease, providing results with 92% sensitivity, 91% specificity, and 91% accuracy.

Early and swift diagnosis
Lessen chance of becoming chronically ill
Reduces the opportunity to be misdiagnosed or undiagnosed

Accurate & objective diagnosis vs subjective clinical diagnosis
Early diagnosis allows for earlier treatment & better outcomes
Actionable outcome allows for treatment or alternative tests and diagnosis

Prevents misdiagnosed and undiagnosed outcomes
Prevents unneeded testing, such as MRI, CT scan, spinal taps, cardiac testing, and multiple blood draws
Reduces the need to see specialty providers (cardiologists, neurologists, rheumatologists, etc.)
We seek investment partners to foster LYMESEEK™ development, validation and commercialization